Siamese cat breeds are consistently ranked in the top 2 or 3 of the most sought-after cats in the world and are very popular with families because they are so loving and intelligent.
But Siamese cats come in various shapes, colors, and variations. One of those variations is the Wedgehead Siamese.
So what are the differences between the Wedgehead Siamese cats versus traditional Siamese cats?
One of the most immediate and obvious differences between a Wedgehead Siamese and a regular Siamese cat is the shape of their head. The Wedgehead Siamese cat has a distinctly wedge-shaped head. There are also differences in personality, length, lifespan, and weight.
There are generally few differences in character or personality traits between the different variations of Siamese cats. Most of the differences are physical properties that set them apart.
These could be color, a slightly different body shape, or (quite common) the shape of their head. The Wedgehead Siamese is one of those variations. Another example would be the ‘Applehead’ Siamese.
Traditional Vs. Wedgehead Overview
The table below briefly summarizes the most apparent differences between Wedgehead SIameses and traditional Siamese cats.
Read on to discover the more obscure differences.
Traditional Siamese Cats | Wedgehead Siamese Cats | |
Average Lifespan | 15 to 20 years | 6 to 15 years |
Average Weight | 6 to 19 pounds | 6 to 15 pounds |
Average Length | 15 to 20 inches | 15 to 18 inches |
Active Playfulness | Energetic and playful | Very energetic and playful |
Trainability | Super intelligent and easy to teach | Super intelligent and easy to teach |
Grooming | Standard, short and soft coat | Standard, short and soft coat |
Exercise requirements | 45 minutes per day | An hour per day |
Wedgehead Siamese Cats
The Wedgehead Siamese Cat is very peculiar-looking, and it will likely put you in mind of something like an Egyptian god or goddess, which is precisely what these cats think they are!
The wedgehead Siamese cat gets its name from the shape of its head, which is wedge-shaped. Meaning that they have a long elongated nose and their face resembles an inverted triangle.
The ears of a Wedgehead Siamese are generally quite large, even compared to the ears of a traditional Siamese cat, accentuating the triangle-shaped head.
Regarding coloring, Wedgeheads have the same color variations as regular Siamese cats, such as Chocolate points, Lilac Points, Blue Points, and Seal Points.

Average Lifespan and Personal Needs
Wedgehead Siamese cats don’t live as long as their closely related cousins, the Traditional Siamese cat.
Their general lifespan is around 6 to 15 years. Most of that is because Wedgehead Siamese cats often suffer from genetic disorders that shorten the overall average.
Health issues that Wedgehead Siamese cats are more prone to include; dental problems caused by the shape of their head, which leaves less room for their teeth. Also, kidney diseases and heart diseases seem more prominent in this breed. (source 1)
Because this breed is relatively new, some genetic aberrations may take decades to weed themselves out.
Training Your Wedgehead Siamese Cat
This version of the Siamese cat is a little more energetic than its traditional cousin, so you may want to spend a little more time with them each day.
Siamese cats are generally very clever, and the Wedgehead is no exception which makes training them to do tricks or display specific desired behavior should be a breeze if done right.
Look at this article to be inspired by some tricks your Siamese cat learns.
Also, performing more complex tasks is not a problem for the Wedgehead Siamese cat. They will pick up on tricks quickly and enthusiastically.
You will find that they are also very doglike in their affection, energy, and enthusiasm.
Suggested reading: Are Siamese Cats Smarter than Other Cats?
Weight and Diet
Wedgehead Siamese cats are not as big as their traditional cousins and not quite as long, coming in at an average of 6 to 15 pounds and growing an average of 15 to 18 inches in length.
Their dietary needs are the same, with premium, natural, fresh cat food, which is rich in protein and Omega 3 and 6 fats, being the best choice you can make for them.
Traditional Siamese Cats
The following highlights the same characteristics of traditional Siamese cats for comparison.
The traditional Siamese cat is a lively and incredibly intelligent breed that has been a mainstay in homes worldwide for centuries. They have a beautiful coat with distinct color points and faded blue jeans eyes.

Average Lifespan and Personal Needs
The average lifespan of a traditional Siamese Cat is roughly 15 to 20 years, which is a decent timeframe for a cat.
In fact, Traditional Siamese Cats are known for living up to 25 years, which is an incredible lifespan. Especially considered that most purebreds are generally shorter lived with an average lifespan of about 10 years.
They are lively and very energetic cats, albeit a bit less energetic than the Wedgehead. Even so, you should set aside a good 45 minutes every day to sit down for a play session.
Siamese cats don’t require much in the way of grooming. They are very short-haired cats and giving them a quick brush at least once a week is as easy as it gets.
Suggested reading: Do Siamese Cats Shed a Lot?
They’re also the kind of cats that will sit there and let you groom them, appreciating you all the more for doing so. Grooming is also a bonding activity between you and your cat.
As with any breed, there are some healthy issues that Siamese cats are more prone to than other breeds. Eye problems such as Glaucoma and retinal atrophy are among the most common issues in Siamese cats, and it usually comes with old age.
Other relatively common diseases for Siamese cats are hip dysplasia, gum disease, and lysosomal storage diseases. (source: 2)
Training Your Siamese Cat
As one of the more intelligent cat species, the Siamese are straightforward to train and pick up on things rapidly.
You can expect a day, maybe two, before they know all of the basics about their litterbox and where their food and water are.
You will find that more complex tasks are relatively easy for a Siamese cat to pick up, especially if you integrate their training into their playtime each day.
Interactive play once a day is essential, although a Siamese cat won’t bug you incessantly for playtime. They do need it, however, so you should set aside the time each day. Just make sure that they get a good 30 minutes at the minimum.
More about how much attention Siamese cats need in our article about how high-maintenance Siamese cats are.

Weight and Diet
Siamese cats, or any cat for that matter, need premium cat food, preferably wet food that is as fresh as possible, with as few processed ingredients.
Their dietary requirements are the same as mentioned earlier for the Wedgehead Siamese.
All Things Considered
Wedgehead Siamese cats are a relative newcomer to the Siamese family. Although they are a favorite in many cat shows, they are not for everyone for their distinct appearance.
Many people either love or hate them. If you are unsure whether you like their appearance, you can rest assured that their character is most similar to traditional Siamese cats.
Other than a little more energy than the Wedgehead Siamese and a disadvantage in age and size, these cats still have a lot of similarities, especially in their intelligence, happiness, and sociability level.
Love Siamese Cats?
Then you will love our other content about this amazing breed. Have a look at these posts on our website.
Our most popular article:
Introduction to Siamese Cats
Everything you need to know.
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