Siamese cats are an exceptional breed. First, they’re beautiful cats, but apart from their appearance, they also have a unique personalities. Siamese cats are very social and love interacting with other animals and humans.
Anyone who has ever spent time with a Siamese cat knows they are very talkative. So much so that it’s one of the most well-known characteristics of Siamese Cats. But why are Siamese cats so vocal?
Siamese cats are so vocal because of their outgoing and social personality. Compared to other cat breeds, Siamese cats seek much more attention from their owners. They communicate and engage with other animals and humans by meowing frequently and loudly.
Do Siamese cats meow a lot?
Besides their beautiful and distinct fur colors, Siamese cats meow a lot. This Asian cat breed is known to chatter all day long.
A Saimese’s low-pitched cries, similar to the cries of a human baby, earned them their nickname “meezer”.
Siamese cats are renowned for their social nature, they love being around humans or other companions, be it cats or other animals. Regarding their owners, Siamese cats have a very strong bond with their cat parents.
Other cat breeds are often accused of being aloof and not bonding with their owners (we think that’s not necessarily true since all cats show love towards their owners). However, for sure, this is not true for Siamese cats.
Why do Siamese cats meow a lot?
Because of their social nature, Siamese cats constantly need to ‘connect’ with their owners. Once they think they are alone or neglected for a moment, they resort to loud meowing.
While most cats are fine keeping with themselves, finding a quiet spot to take a nap, and interacting with their humans when they feel like it, Siamese cats adopt a more dog-like personality where they need constant confirmation and attention from their owners.
In Aisa, their region of origin, they are often referred to as the Royal cat breed, and people believe that their need for affirmation stems from that heritage. After all, you won’t let a King or Queen wait.
But seriously, their chatter is genetically imprinted in every Siamese cat, and it’s a hallmark of this breed. You either love or hate it, so it’s a good idea to ask yourself whether this is something you can deal with before taking a Siamese as your pet.
So what are the reasons for their vocality?
They’re seeking attention
Siamese cats are by far the most friendly cat breed in existence. They are constantly looking for interaction with other pets or humans. This makes them ideal cats for families because a busy house does not overwhelm them easily. They need and enjoy the attention. When left alone for a while, Siameses will make their presence known by loudly meowing.
They might get bored
Siamese cats are intelligent and need mental or physical stimulation regularly. They love to engage in games with you and enjoy toys and other engaging activities. Siameses are very good at learning tricks, and they are very good at learning things.
They’re trying to tell you something
This might be as simple as them saying: “Hey, I’m hungry” or “hey, I want some petting”, but these can often be other things that you might not directly expect from a cat.
Siamese cats are very intelligent, and their curiosity drives them to explore and discover. Being the social animals they are, it could very well be that they have found something in your house that they want to show you.
How to live with Siamese cats
As you might have figured, living together with a Siamese cat will be different from having any other cat as a pet. I always compare it with living with a dog or more like living with a puppy.
Siamese cats need a lot of attention, a lot. Of course, if you love cats, this will be music to your ears, and in a Siamese, you will have the best buddy ever. They are known to build strong bonds with humans; once that bond is formed, you are besties forever.
Implement a schedule, so they know when it’s playtime
That being said, even your Siamese should learn that we humans also have other things to tend to in our lives.
When you get them as a kitten, it is good to get them into a schedule with a clear distinction between playtime and quiet time.
You’ll soon find out that there is nothing as quiet time for your Siamese, but you can teach them there are moments during the day when they will have to keep themselves busy, and there are times when you make time to play with them.
Setting up a structured schedule can be challenging. After all, who can reject that cute and furry face looking up at you, wanting to play, or longing for some attention?
How to keep your Siamese cat happy?
Living with a Siamese cat means that you commit to a different relationship than what you might have with another cat breed. Siamese cats require more attention and engagement from their cat parents.
It’s good to ask yourself if you are willing to make such a commitment before having a Siamese join your family.
We don’t want to sound overdramatic, but it’s a fact that Siamese cats are not okay with staying alone in the house all day while their owners are out for work or school.
It’s common for Siamese cats to slip into depression when they don’t receive their daily dose of attention and engagement with others. This is a real risk, and depression in cats, like humans, can cause various mental and physical problems.
Don’t let them get bored
While most cat breeds are fine staying alone for a while, Siamese cats don’t deal with this very well. That’s not to say they cannot stay home by themselves at all, they can, but you should make sure they have something to keep them busy.
Things to prepare for your Siamese cat to keep them busy are:
- Cat toys that are engaging to them. They love to chase or solve puzzles.
- A scratch pole
- A cat house where they can play hide and seek or climbing
- Background music or chatter (a radio as background noise is acceptable)
- Hiding treats around the house. Siamese cats love to discover and play.
- Another classic is to place cardboard boxes around the house.
Another great thing is to get them a playmate. Siamese cats go very well with other pets, and having a pair of them is a great idea and it will certainly help them feel less lonely at times.
Lots of interaction with you
Set aside some time every day to interact with your cat. These don’t have to be full-blown hours-long play sessions, but these should be quality time for both of you.
They love to play together with you, and it doesn’t have to be a full-blown, active play session every time. You can also hang out on the couch for a quiet petting session.
Talk back to your cat
Siamese cats are very chatty, and they love to receive a response. The more you talk to your Siamese, the more they enjoy engaging with you.
Over time, you will start to recognize different types of meows or “words” and will likely understand what it is she wants.
Don’t leave them alone for extended periods
Siamese cats hate to be alone. They can deal with it with some training and for a limited time. That doesn’t mean you can never leave the house but leaving your Siamese alone every day while you are away for work for hours is not advisable.
When you leave them alone for too long, your Siamese might get restless, anxious, or depressed. If that’s the case, you might return to a home with a shredded couch or scratched wallpaper.
How can I train my SIamese cat to be alone?
Training your SIamese cat to be alone is something you should build up slowly.
Start training them at a young age, if possible, and gradually increase the duration of their alone time.
When starting, you could just leave them alone while you sit in the other room for 20 minutes.
Then gradually increase this to a more prolonged duration where you leave the house to run an errand.
When you come back, praise your cat when they behave and give them a treat. Following these steps and not hurrying will help get your Siamese used to some alone time.
Always make sure there is enough distraction for her while you’re gone. Toys, another pet, or background music works great.
So, how long can you leave your Siamese cat alone?
There is no strict rule on how long you can leave a Siamese cat alone. With proper training, this could be up to 48 hours maximum. Age significantly affects how well Siamese cats can be left alone. As a rule of thumb, we would advise sticking to the below guidelines.
- Under 4 months old: 2-4 hours
- 4-5 months old: 5 hours
- 6 months old: 8 hours
- 1-year-old or more: 24-48 hours
Before you leave your Siamese cat alone for long hours, you need to ask yourself the following questions:
- How long will they be left alone?
- Have they been feeling alright the past week?
- Will the food and water you leave be sufficient during your absence?
- What happens with the litter box? Should I put two?
- Is a pet sitter a better idea?
- The weather seems hot. Do I leave the air conditioning on?

Don’t ignore Siamese cats
Because of their social nature, Siamese cats thrive on human interaction, and you’d be surprised how easily they can get lonely and even depressed when not given enough daily attention.
We can’t stress enough that, especially when deciding to get a Siamese, ask yourself if you can give them the care, time, and attention they need. Nothing is more heartbreaking than seeing a depressed Siamese cat.
Once cats get depressed, getting them out of it is challenging. It’s not like you can go to the cat shrink and talk it out. It takes a lot of time and effort to reverse the situation, and many cats may never recover.
Depression in cats can lead to a range of physical conditions and diseases as well.
We understand that many of us don’t live exclusively for our cats, and we should also not exaggerate the situation. It’s not like you have to play with your Siamese 24 hours per day.
Of course, they can keep themselves busy and try to incorporate some time twice a day to spend quality time together.
Throughout the rest of the day, you can give them some attention or have a chat in passing. This will already be enough to ensure a good and healthy relationship with your Siamese cat.
Do you own a Siamese cat? Join the community and let us know your experience in the comments below.
Common reasons why cats meow loudly
These are other common reasons why cats, not necessarily Siamese cats, tend to meow loudly:
- Your cat may be sick and experiencing pain.
- Your cat is hungry and asking you to give her food.
- It is her way of greeting you when you come home from work.
- She may be lonely, especially if she is your only cat and often left at home in the daytime.
- Your cat may be in heat and wants to mate.
- Your cat may be stressed by sudden changes in your household, such as home remodeling or new pets or family members.
- She may suffer from cognitive dysfunction or mental confusion due to her advancing age.
Related questions
Why do Siamese cats meow weirdly?
Siamese cats have a very distinctive meow. This is partly due to their physical characteristics. Their long, narrow neck allows long vocal cords to produce an extended frequency range.
Do Siamese cats like to cuddle?
Siamese cats love cuddling and snuggling with their owners. It’s not hard to persuade them to come and sit with you. The Siamese cat breed is very playful and social. They give a lot of attention, and they also expect to receive
Do Siamese cats have a favorite person?
Siamese cats bond very well with humans, and they are probably one the best cat breeds for a large family. Some Siamese cats choose one favorite person with whom they develop a special bond, but this is not always the case.
Do different colored Siamese cats have distinct personalities?
Different colored Siamese cats can have different personalities, but this is not a result of their fur colors. The more likely reason is that their character is formed or influenced by external factors such as their upbringing, training, or interaction with their cat-owners and the world at large.