Congratulations on your new kitten! You’re in for a treat, as Siamese are one of the most affectionate and intelligent breeds of cats.
In their first year, your kitten will undergo many changes. They’ll grow from a tiny ball of fluff into a full-fledged cat and begin to develop their unique personality.
During this time, it’s crucial to provide your kitten with plenty of love, attention, and good-quality food. Your kitten will thrive and bring you years of joy with proper care.
In this article, we will go more in-depth on what to expect, how big Siamese cats can get, what can promote or stunt their growth, and how to take care of them to give them the best possible start in life.
Siamese Cat Growth – How Large Do They Get?
On average, Siamese cats grow to be around 8 and 10 inches, or 20-25cm tall, varying from 11.5 to 14 inches, or 29-35cm. Additionally, their weight can range between 8 and 10 pounds.
When looking at Siamese cat growth, It’s important to note that not all Siamese cats are the same, and variations exist that are below and above the average.
Several important factors can either encourage or slow the growth of your Siamese kitty.
Siamese cats are known for their long and lean bodies. They have long necks, legs, and long, thin tails. So, it should be no surprise that these small-to-medium-sized cats don’t get very big.
Siamese cats stay relatively small. Their sizes can vary depending on the gender: males, on average, can grow up to 14 inches in length, 8-10 inches tall, and weigh up to 14 pounds.
This is not particularly large and below the average cat length of about 18 inches.
On the other hand, females typically will be smaller in size, with an average length of 8-10 inches and a weight of 10 lbs or less.
When are Siamese cats considered fully grown?
Typically, Siamese cats continue to grow until they are around 10 to 12 months old and reach full maturity at one year old.
However, some Siamese cats will continue to grow until they’re two years old, becoming slightly taller and heavier over the following year.
Though their growth stops at two, you can expect their coat to continue to change color and darken throughout their lifetime.
Timeline of Siamese growth – My Experience
A momentous event has occurred in my house- a litter of Siamese kittens was born. As the proud owner of the world’s most beautiful cat, I have been appointed official kitten guardian and monitor.
The first six weeks
Like most animals, when a Siamese cat is born, it will be tiny, weighing between three to five ounces, have folded ears, no teeth, and is blind.
Its growth will be substantial during the first few weeks of its life.
2 weeks
In these first two weeks, the kittens have changed a great deal. They are now fully furred, and their eyes have opened but are still developing.
They have grown quite a bit and are now about twice as heavy as newborns.
They are also starting to explore their surroundings and play with each other. Perhaps the most surprising development, however, is their vocal cords.
At first, they would let out little mews when they were hungry or uncomfortable. Now, they are full-fledged yowlers, and they use their voices constantly.
It’s amazing how such tiny creatures can make such a big racket! Nevertheless, I’m enjoying every minute of it and can’t wait to see how they continue to develop in the coming weeks.
3 weeks
Three weeks have passed it the kittens are really starting to come into their own. Their eyes have fully opened, revealing their beautiful light blue eyes for the first time.
Their legs and tail have grown a lot, their bodies have started filling out, and they’re slowly becoming miniature versions of a fully-fledged Siamese cat.
It’s clear that they’re growing stronger and can stand up more firmly. Looking at their tiny mouths, I can see some razor-sharp teeth forming.
Looking at their fur, I think I can see some of their points starting to darken and slowly changing into their final coloring.
Their focus has shifted from eating and sleeping most of the day to playing and exploring. I also noticed that, around this time, the kittens developed their own personalities.
It’s clear that these kittens will be ready to take on the world in no time.

4-5 weeks
During the fourth and fifth weeks of my Siamese kitten’s life, I’ve noticed that they undergo some significant changes.
Their weight gain continues. The kittens are, again, noticeably bigger than when they were newborns.
Also, their eyes have started to change color, going from the bright blue of newborns to a darker blue-ish hue. They have grown even more, and their coat has lost the nest hairs.
They are moving around even more, straying further from the mother cat. The kittens show a lot of interest in toys and other small objects.
By the end of the fifth week, I weighed them and saw that, again, they have doubled their birth weight and are well on their way to becoming fully-grown adults.
6-8 weeks
It’s now been six weeks since birth, and the kittens have fully formed their color points. These are Lilac Point kittens, and their points will grow into a beautiful, blue-purple hue.
In case you have a Siamese with darker color points, like a Chocolate Point or even a Seal Point, their color development may seem even faster at this stage.
By week eight, their colors will become more prominent. Over the next several weeks and months, the kittens will grow in height, length, and weight, developing into a beautiful, medium-sized adult cat.
It’s so exciting to witness their development. Our family is amazed at how fast they have grown and changed.
The kittens really start bonding with our family members at this age and are very interested in everything we do.

Expected growth stages of a Siamese kitten
Kittens grow extremely fast in their lives first six to eight weeks.
They are born as helpless little furballs and mature in just two months. During the first weeks, they eat a lot and are focused primarily on weight gain.
To get an idea of what sizes and weights are typical for your Siamese kitten during this growth spurt, we have created the table below.
When developed into adult cats, anywhere between 12 and 24 months, they will have reached their final weight of about 8-10 pounds (3.5-4.5 Kg)
Remember, these are general guidelines. If you are worried about your kitten’s growth or development, get advice from a veterinarian.
Suggested reading: Do Cats Get More Affectionate As They Age?
Siamese kitten weight guide (in ounces)
Age | Weight – ounces (min) | Weight in ounces (max) |
First 5 days | 3.0 | 7.0 |
End of 1st week | 5.0 | 10.0 |
End of 2nd week | 8.0 | 14.0 |
End of 3rd week | 10.0 | 17.6 |
End of 4th week | 12.0 | 20.8 |
End of 5th week | 14.0 | 28.8 |
End of 6th week | 16.0 | 32.0 |
Siamese kitten weight guide (in grams)
Age | Weight – grams (min) | Weight in grams (max) |
First 5 days | 85 | 200 |
End of 1st week | 140 | 280 |
End of 2nd week | 225 | 395 |
End of 3rd week | 280 | 500 |
End of 4th week | 340 | 590 |
End of 5th week | 395 | 815 |
End of 6th week | 450 | 910 |
At What Age do Siamese Kittens Get Their Points?
Siamese kittens develop their color points between 3 and 5 weeks. When born, they are entirely white. Over the following weeks, their color points will slowly form.
When your Siamese is a darker variation, the colors will be more pronounced during the first weeks and seem to form faster than a Siamese with more muted color points such as a Lilac Point or a Flame Point.
Color points only form after a few weeks because their coat color is influenced by their body temperature, caused by the temperature-sensitive Himalayan gene.
Once they grow and start leaving the nest, their body temperature stabilizes and darkens at the cooler areas of their points.

What is a Siamese Cat’s life expectancy?
The average life expectancy of a purebred cat is about 12.5 years, generally shorter than that of a mixed breed.
However, Siamese cats are a notably strong breed of cats, and it’s not uncommon for a Siamese to live to a ripe age of 15 years.
There are even several cases of Siamese cats living well in their 20s. A well-known example is ‘Scooter’, the world’s oldest Siamese cat who lived 30 years old and made the Guinness Book of World Records while doing it.
Of course, these are exceptions, but taking good care of your Siamese will surely lengthen their days and keep them with you for as long as possible.
Suggested Reading: How Long Do Siamese Cats Live?
How To Keep A Siamese Cat Healthy?
Most people consider cats relatively low-maintenance pets; however, if you’re getting a Siamese cat, you know that they can be pretty demanding and need lots of attention, more comparable to dogs than the average cat.
This extends into the care they need. Here are a few things to keep in mind to make your Siamese live as long as possible.
1. Regular checkups at the vet
Cats are masters at hiding illnesses and pain; it won’t be easy for you to see when something’s wrong. Make sure to get your cat the required vaccinations and have regular vet checkups.
For adult cats, checkups should be done once a year and once every six months when they’re kittens.
2. Helping your cat to exercise
Exercise is essential for cats. It helps keep their joints and muscles strong and prevents them from becoming obese.
3. Showering your cat with love and attention
For any cat but especially for Siamese cats, getting sufficient love and attention from their owners is
4. A good diet is essential
A healthy, varied diet is vital to keep your Siamese in top condition. Cats need a protein-rich diet that contains meat. See the paragraphs below for more information on what to feed your Siamese cat.
For more tips on how to make your cat live longer, see our post here.

What food promotes growth?
Siamese cats will need a specific diet to support their growth.
They will rely on their mother’s milk during infancy to grow and build strong bones and muscles. By their ninth week, they should be fully weaned from their mother’s milk and should be consuming solid food.
Because Siamese kittens grow quickly, they need a diet tailored to fast growth that will encourage cognitive development and the development of their muscles and bones. Their diet should be grain-free, high in protein, and have omega-3 fatty acids.
Also, purchasing hypoallergenic kitten food is essential to reduce the risk of potential allergic reactions and kitten diarrhea.
It’s also essential to incorporate wet food into their diet, especially early on, as dry food can contain too many fillers and carbs.
What food stunts growth?
Foods that lack protein may cause your cat to stop growing too early. It can also cause your cat to suffer from malnutrition, reduction in muscle mass, weaker bones, hormonal imbalances, and patchy skin.
Also, foods that have low-quality synthetic or vegetable proteins and foods that have been thrown away from slaughterhouses should be avoided as these can prove damaging to your cat’s growth.
Our final thoughts
So, how big do Siamese cats get? Well, it will depend on several factors like their gender, genes, and the amount of exercise they get.
However, apart from gender, their nutrition is one of the most significant contributors to their growth and development.
Remember, these cats thrive on protein-rich diets, so if you want to support their growth, ensure that the food you buy is filled with high-quality protein and avoid synthetic proteins and grains.
Siamese cats typically reach full maturity at age one, but sometimes they will continue to grow until they’re two years old, so they take extra care with their diet to support their growth.
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