People with cat allergies are often left wondering if there is a practical loophole that allows us to still have a pet cat without sneezing, itching, and teary eyes.
A lot has been said about some cat breeds being so-called hypoallergenic, meaning they do not cause an allergic reaction. Today I’ll explore this topic and see if it’s really the ‘silver bullet’ for those of us who struggle with feline allergies.
Siamese cats are not hypoallergenic because no feline is 100% hypoallergenic. However, people with moderate feline allergies can tolerate this breed since it produces less Fel D1 protein and is technically considered “hypoallergenic”.
Let’s dive into this a bit more and see why Siamese cats are perhaps the right choice for people with moderate feline allergies.
We will explore how much dander they produce, how much they shed, and how much saliva they produce, which emits the Fel D1 protein.
Why are Siamese cats considered hypoallergenic?
While fully hypoallergenic cats technically do not exist, the Siamese cat breed is one of the few breeds that can be considered hypoallergenic.
In fact, cats are some of the most significant sources of indoor inhalant allergens.
But since Siamese cats produce fewer proteins in their urine, saliva, and the base of their hairs, they are somewhat hypoallergenic.
This means that those who suffer from milder cat allergies can typically live with this type of cat.
However, other cat breeds are far more hypoallergenic than the Siamese cat.
For example, the hairless Sphynx cat breed is one of the most hypoallergenic cat breeds because it doesn’t shed any Fel D1 protein – a secretoglobin protein found in the skin, fur, and saliva glands, and other parts of a cat.
Below, we’ll explore the following follow-up questions that many individuals with cat allergies have as they consider the Siamese cat as a potential companion:
- Are Siamese cross breeds hypoallergenic?
- Do Siamese cats have dander?
- Do Siamese cats shed?
- Do Siamese cats drool a lot?
What about Siamese cross breeds?
Well, Yes and no – Siamese mix cats can be hypoallergenic if the breed they’re mixed with is also considered hypoallergenic.
For example, if you have a Siamese mix cat that is mostly Persian or Himalayan (high-shedding cats) and only slightly Siamese, it’s likely not hypoallergenic.
But if you have a Siamese mix cat that is primarily Siamese or mixed with another hypoallergenic breed, such as Russian Blues or Bengals, it may be considered hypoallergenic.
Suggested reading: Why Russian Blues are good for people with allergies
Do Siamese cats have dander?
Yes, Siamese cats do produce dander because there is no breed of cat that doesn’t produce dander.
But doesn’t dander cause allergies?
Dander in itself does not trigger cat allergies. Allergic reactions are caused by the Fel D1 protein that sits in the dander and the base of the fur, originating in the cat’s skin.
Because Siamese cats do produce dander, that means that they can still technically trigger allergies in individuals who have cat allergies, such as:
- Development of asthma
- Development of rhinitis
- Nasal congestion
- Pain in the face
- Skin rashes
- Watery or itchy eyes
- Coughing
- Shortness of breath
- Wheezing
Do Siamese Cats Shed?
Siamese cats do shed their fur, but not nearly as much as other cat breeds.
They are one of the lowest-shedding breeds, making them a good choice for those with mild allergies.
A significant benefit of this trait is that they are pretty good at self-grooming and self-maintenance – you don’t need to brush them much.
Additionally, having fewer cat hairs lying around your house means that the allergy-triggering Fel D1 protein that gets on the hairs is less likely to spread around your personal space.
Do Siamese Cats Salivate a Lot?
We mentioned earlier that cats’ allergy-triggering protein is also found in their saliva.
So when choosing a hypoallergenic cat, it’s also essential to assess how much the cat tends to drool. Cats that produce more saliva tend to trigger worse allergies in those allergic to felines.
Siamese cats tend to drool or salivate more when they are excited or energetic. This is something to keep in mind if you have a cat allergy, as this behavior may trigger your allergies from time to time.

Frequently Asked Questions
Are half-Siamese cats hypoallergenic?
Siamese cross breeds may be hypoallergenic. This depends on which breed they are crossbred with. A Siamese is considered hypoallergenic because of the low amount of Fel D1 protein it produces. So if the cat is mixed with a Sphynx cat, it would still be hypoallergenic if Sphynxes produce less Fel D1 protein.
Are Siamese cats okay for people with cat allergies?
Yes, Siamese cats are a good choice as long as you don’t have severe allergic reactions to Fel D1 protein (you can find out through an allergy doctor). They are fairly hypoallergenic because they produce less Fel D1 protein, which is the primary source of cat allergies.
Can a cat be purely hypoallergenic?
No, technically, no cat breed is completely hypoallergenic. There are just some cat breeds that are considered better for those with allergies because the particular breed tends to produce less protein, fur, saliva, or dander.
Can people with severe allergies have Siamese cats?
If you have severe feline allergies, you probably shouldn’t live with a Siamese cat. Other, more hypoallergenic breeds are better suited to individuals with severe allergies – especially those that trigger asthmatic conditions. Even the most “hypoallergenic” cats can still trigger allergies in those with severe reactions.
Like reading about Siamese cats?
Then have a look at our other great content about this magnificent breed.
Our most popular article:
Introduction to Siamese Cats
Everything you need to know.
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